On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Eivind Berge wrote:

> Most classic albums tend to creep under your skin after repeated
> listenings, and yes, "The man from God knows where" is a classic.  Try
> again folks.

After finding the previous listen to be an arduous affair, I think I'll
pass for now.<g>  As one who's always found Russell to be an occasionally
brilliant songwriter and mostly a snooze as a performer, I doubt even a
hundred listens (god forbid) to that interminable album would change my
mind. Believe me, it was difficult enough to stay focused on the album
without choking on its grandiose pretensions.  As Lowell sez, to each his
own I guess, and when I want arty folk, I'll stick to the infinitely more
interesting Hank Dogs.--don

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