Regarding PJ Harvey:  I wouldn't necessarily disagree as to including "To
Bring You My Love" on the list.  I believe it shows a fine line between
anger and sensuality much that love and hate are often equated.  "Down By
The Water" is one of those primevil songs which, with the  haunting
drumline, the tortured lyrics and the sensual and straightforward manner
Harvey sings it leaves a pretty big, lingering impression.  Many critics
focused in on that  and the general darkness in tone the album brought
forth.  "Rid Of Me", albeit quite good, doesn't convey that "other wordly"
from the depths of the soul approach.  Anyway, sophomore releases usually
get overly "scrutinized" as if saying: is this artist for real, do they have
staying power, are they really what they represent and could they be
influential in the years to come?

-----Original Message-----
From: lance davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: 50/90

>>Just curious--who here (who is NOT a critic) has heard the most of these?
>I've heard most of them (if more than 25 counts as most), and I have to say
>I'm troubled by the "well-roundedness" of the list. On one hand, it's gotta
>be a thankless and (somewhat) admirable task to try and sum up an entire
>decade in 50 gulps, but it seems as if he's trying to touch all the
>appropriate bases and not offend anybody. Which, of course, ends up
>offending everybody. And it's not that it isn't eclectic, but in quite a
>cases, the guy picks the wrong album from whatever artist he's trying to
>highlight. (PJ Harvey "To Bring You My Love" and Beck "Odelay" come
>immediately to mind). Plus, let's face it: If you have 50 goddamn chances
>pick Anodyne and you come up with the goose-egg--get to the back of the
>ya chump!!
>Lance . . .

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