PJ Harvey

np Eminem

>To: "passenger side" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: 50/90
>Date: Tue, Feb 23, 1999, 4:51 PM

>< > > >And honestly, I'm sorta surprised people rate Exile in the top ten of
> > > >the decade.  The year it came out, possibly, but the entire decade??
> > > >
> > > Name a more impressive better written female rock album of the 90s that
> > > actually got a teensy bit of airplay.
> > >
> >
> > Sam Phillips's records got airplay this decade, didn't they?  I gotta
> > take her over Liz Phair, though they're both good'uns.  Sue Garner, too,
> > though she didn't get much commercial airplay. >>
>The Geraldine Fibbers, surely to make some of you cringe, but maybe THE most
>exciting female led band I've heard and seen this decade. Oh yeah, and
>Emmylou's Wrecking Ball, amazing beyond words. (Time for that semi-annual
>Lanois love/hate thread? Gawd, I hope not.) But I still gotta give some props
>to Phair, if for no other reason than being able to crash the rock n roll
>testosterone party as she did. Still think Exile works better on paper than in
>reality tho. 

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