< > > >And honestly, I'm sorta surprised people rate Exile in the top ten of
 > > >the decade.  The year it came out, possibly, but the entire decade??
 > > >
 > > Name a more impressive better written female rock album of the 90s that
 > > actually got a teensy bit of airplay.
 > >
 > Sam Phillips's records got airplay this decade, didn't they?  I gotta
 > take her over Liz Phair, though they're both good'uns.  Sue Garner, too,
 > though she didn't get much commercial airplay. >>

The Geraldine Fibbers, surely to make some of you cringe, but maybe THE most
exciting female led band I've heard and seen this decade. Oh yeah, and
Emmylou's Wrecking Ball, amazing beyond words. (Time for that semi-annual
Lanois love/hate thread? Gawd, I hope not.) But I still gotta give some props
to Phair, if for no other reason than being able to crash the rock n roll
testosterone party as she did. Still think Exile works better on paper than in
reality tho. 

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