King Carl Zimring wrote:

> Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 23-Feb-99 Re: 50/90 by
> Christopher M Knaus@juno
> > >And honestly, I'm sorta surprised people rate Exile in the top ten of
> > >the decade.  The year it came out, possibly, but the entire decade??
> > >
> > Name a more impressive better written female rock album of the 90s that
> > actually got a teensy bit of airplay.
> >
> Sam Phillips's records got airplay this decade, didn't they?  I gotta
> take her over Liz Phair, though they're both good'uns.  Sue Garner, too,
> though she didn't get much commercial airplay.

I love both artists too, and it's not an inappropriate comparison
writing-wise, but I'd be hard-pressed to say that MARTINIS AND BIKINIS
(Phillips best received 90's record) had the songs and the impact (both
"buzz" and the records themselves) of EXILE. And I always say that Liz is an
underrated guitarist, FWIW. Don't come back at me with vocal quality though.
<g>As regards Sue Garner, well, I like the Shams more than most folks I've
confessed it to. <g> TO RUN MORE SMOOTHLY left me sorta cold, but I keep
wanting to get back to it.
An underrecognized and more to my own taste comparison could (and should) be
made for Jennifer Trynin, whose song quality and sound are more directly to
Liz, IMO.


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