> You know, I'm not really defending Shania, but did you ever stop to
> think
> that maybe she actually wants to be a pop artist or maybe - GASP! -
> wants to
> try to be both? Is there any law that prohibits an artist from trying
> to
> expand their musical sound? Sure, she's annoying, but it's equally
> annoying
> when people around here fault her for "not playing real country." 
        [Matt Benz]  
        Because she is promoted as solely a country artist, not a pop or
rock artist. We know she wants to rule the pop world....

> Show me in
> the music rulebook where it says an artist must always and only play
> one
> brand of music and stay devoted to it for a lifetime. How come
> nobody's
> faulting the P2 worshipped Wilco for abandoning the country sound? If
> they
> were as popular and sold as many records as Twain, you probably
> would.......(perhaps a bad comparison, but you get the point)
        [Matt Benz]  
        Um....actually, they've been criticized alot for that. Note how
it gets Tweedy's hackles raised. Don't you ever read the  p2 memo's? 

> As far as the outfits - who cares and big deal? I thought the P2'ers
> were
> open minded enough to not judge people based on what they wear. If she
> had
> worn a cowboy hat and boots, you all probably would have been all over
> that
> in a negative way, too. I can't stand her music. But geez, give it a
> rest.
        [Matt Benz]  They wear those outfits to get attention; we give
em attention. It's fun. They think they look fantastic when they just
look silly. They spend alot of money to look that way. If we as the
viewing public can't make fun of celebrities, what's left? In a world
where their every move word and look is forced down our throats, it's
some small solace and comfort to laugh at them. Take the gods down a

        Back off, take a rest yourself. DOn't you have some promotions
to attend to? Weasel fest is only a few weeks away.

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