>OK, OK, finally I just have to ask "WHY?!!!"  I just don't get it.  Why do
>people love for country or alt.country bands or so-called alt.country bands
>to do covers of godawful cheesy rock songs?  Why do people respond to these
>more than they do to the, OK, I'm going to say it, "real" songs?

Many times, the "cheesy" songs hit the top of the pop charts at some point
in the past and are more easily recognized by patrons who may know little
about the music or the artists they're listening to in the clubs, so it
serves as a gesture that the "foreigners" are friendly, so to speak.  When
in Rome... Of course, some of these bands now actually had an affinity at
one point or another during their youth for pop songs.  To think about it,
we've all probably liked something "cheesy" at some point, maybe even laugh
at our choices now.

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