Matt Benz wrote:

> Which weren't really being played, i don't think: they were just held by
> the back up singers. That was truly a terrible performance, awful song
> (we ran the close captioning, so we could catch the lyrics: one of the
> lines is about changing hair color: now *that's* empowerment!). The
> Bottlerockets sound more like a country band than she does. Made me long
> for Garth B. I think I realize who the true enemy is.....

.Cause the Bottle Rockets are a country band, just like the Stones.  Did
anyone post over there that P1 comment from Henneman about how Earle was a
bad ass and should have a bunch of bikers backing him up?  Too funny.

So I get back from England, where I saw nothing about the grammies, although
they had just awarded a bunch of Brits awards to musicians (?) I'd never
heard of, and I find a gazillion posts about the grammies.  What the hell is
wrong witch you all?  Does anybody take this industry crap seriously?

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