Tera wrote:
>> Where I come from using the term "cakehole" as in and I quote  here,
>> "...much more creative than whatever spills out of your cakehole" as 
>a  "colorful" term to refer to that  which someone says or wishes to 
>express is a sarcastic putdown.  Also, the foul language is not
necessary.  It 
>is a posturing attempt to appear "tough" and "cool".  Please, let's not 
>degrade this list to the kind of postings which r.m.c.w. is so full of.
>> Tera

And Joe wrote:

>This is comedy, right? This is a Roseann Roseannadanna routine, right?
>If Lance hadn't been so grossly insulted, I would have thought it was
>funnier, but he handled himself like a gentleman.  This is bizarre.
>Joe Gracey

I agree.  Tera, the graceful thing to do, after completely misconstruing
someone's language, and viciously attacking him in the process, is to

And the word "fuck" doesn't offend me in the slightest.  What brings me
down is the vitriol spewing from your keyboard directly into my eyes.

While I'm here, here's a question I've always wanted to ask:  What's a
shuffle?  Maybe some examples from contemporary alt-country types would
help (since my knowledge of traditional country music is extremely
limited).  Thanks.


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