> , who would go to a Buckner show to talk?

    Well, I'm ashamed to say this, but Son Volt fans.  Plenty of 'em.  It
wasn't so much a scenester problem as a "I'm staking out my space now to yell
"Whiskey Bottle 50 times", and I'll just wait til this dark-haired bearded
poet weirdo gets the hell offstage", or something.  I guess it's one of the
downsides of Farrar's writing at least a fair amount of "crossover" material,
and playing to his hometown crowd in St. Louis, I don't know.  And I hear ya
Linda, I should have said something, but I didn't want to get booted out of
the place-I was too afraid I would just lose it if they gave me any guff,
which I don't doubt might have happened.
       But what happened last night has given me new resolve, especially if
I'm seeing someone who I can see again somewhat easily.  Last night I was too
afraid, I'd never seen Buckner plugged-in with a drummer, and it's just a
totally different ballgame.  Altho "transcendent" gets overused probably it
was pretty close to that, at least for me.



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