I think something got distorted below here, at least I *think* so....

         Lance wrote this in sympathy w/ my painful live Buckner experience
(painful due to the gabbers right up front with me);
>  That assumes that Buckner has word-of-mouth "street
>  >cred," but wouldn't the word-of-mouth say that his word is MUCH MORE
>  >creative than whatever spills out of your cakehole? I don't get it, like I
>  >said, in the small picture. In the big picture it's obvious. "Hey,
>  Fuckface!
>  >You're not in your living room watching TV! And that guy on stage is NOT a
>  >cathode-ray figment of your delusional self-importance! Shut the Fuck
>  >up!!!!!!!"
>  >
>  >Lance . . . feeling pain . . .

>  And you're rude and disgusting.  What a vile mouth you have!  How dare you
>  flame another poster that way.
>  It is not funny!  Who do you think you are?  I've read your self-important
>  postings lo these past months and I cannot believe that anyone could put up
>  with your long, I-AM-GOD  self-righteous rants.    How dare you flame Dan
>  for his opinions.  Further, I cannot believe that anyone here has not
>  touched upon this...  and taken you to task for your long-winded bullshit.
>  You are not pertinent, not valid and definitely not funny.
>  I am ashamed of you.
>  Tera

   ...anyway, if I'm reading you right Tera, don't worry about it, Lance was
simply writing in sympatico and telling me what I (or anyone) should think
about saying to the jabbermouths next time.  At least that's what I think he
was saying, and what I think you've you misread......(wow, this listserv stuff
gets complicated sometimes....<g>)

anyway don't worry about it.


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