I teach a module that looks at early modern revenge tragedy in relation to
violent cinema of the past 20-30 years.  Clockwork Orange constantly comes up
in debates.  A mate of mine finally got me a (French sub-titled) version in
Switzerland so that I can show some clips to my students.  Natural Born Killers
I have to show with, I dunno, Dutch subtitles I think it is.  I told my friend
Malcolm in LA that I had no access to Texas Chainsaw Massacre on video (tho it
recently had a limited re-release theatrically over here) and he said, 'banning
videos - what a quaint idea'.  It's a bloody weird country, Britain.  Did you
know that we still have a Queen, princes and princesses, dragons and fairy
godmothers, too?


Thomas W. Mohr wrote:

> Tom Mohr on "Clockwork Orange":
> >>Absolutely astonishing that Kubrick could, in three years, go from the
> brilliant heights of "2001" to the decadent depths of "A Clockwork Orange."
> An appalling movie.  Its appeal is utterly baffling.<<

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