I thought I'd share my first Kubrick experience, given the
circumstances.  The first time I saw "Dr. Strangelove" (which was, I
believe, the first Kubrick movie I ever saw) was around 1974 or so.  I
was ten or so and my family was visiting our cousins in Kansas City and
it happened to come on.  My father had been up until about two years
previously a navigator/bombardier in B-52s, flying missions in Vietnam as
well as flying the kinds of "failsafe" missions that you see in "Dr.
Strangelove," though at this point he was flying FB-111s.  So we grew up
in that whole atmosphere.
     Anyway, the movie comes on and I thought it was the funniest damn
thing I'd ever seen.  A comedy about nuclear war!  Brilliant!  My cousin
Jeff and I laughed our asses off all the way through.  My brother - who's
a year younger than me - was horrified by the movie.  "Quit laughing,
Jon!  This isn't funny!  Nuclear war isn't funny!"  And then he started
crying!  Whadda wuss.
     Man, I'd love to see the version with the pie fight at the end just
                                        --Jon Johnson
                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                           Wollaston, Massachusetts

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