
I went and listened to 'the Mountain' (Steve & Del) in the car at a decent
volume and I want to ammend my earlier comments.  This is a great record .
. . not a good one.  Really excellent performances and sounds.  ANd the
songwriting, while tailored to the outfit, is first rate as usual.

Which leads me to the (rhetorical?) question:  Can anyone top Steve Earle
for artist of the decade??

When you put:

Train a'comin'
Feel Alright
El Corazon
the Mountain

back to back to back to back, and then consider his far reaching influence
as producer/label head/guest musician . . . I would be hard pressed to
choose anyone else (Especially Alejandro, his talent not taken for
granted, but just doesn't match up in my book) for this rediculous honor.

I am sure people will offer many opinions, but can any single artist offer
this combination of talent, songwriting, bandleading, producing, and far
reaching commercial appeal??

Maybe I am a bit early for this discussion, but it is prompted by
the release of The Mountain, so thanks for your patience.


ps -- I gave the Damnations another spin and still wasn't impressed . . .
while with an additional listening of Kelly Willis 'What I Deserve' I
found myself more and more pleased.  Not blown away, but pleased.

pps - 'Rushmore' is IMHO my favorite use of music EVER in a film.  The
combination of the original score and the in-your-face AND amazingly
contemporary sounding Stones/Cat Stevens/Small Faces/Who stuff just makes
me crazy with happiness!!

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