Junior B. writes:

>to learn that he's applying for NEA grants on this thing strikes 
>me as more than a little symptomatic.
>On first hearing about it, it sounds kind of like an Alejandro version of 
>that Jo Carol Pierce twang opera about growing up in Lubbock (or wherever 
>it was)....

In Escovedo's defence, I'd say first - he really means it to be a 
full-scale stage production. It's not just an album or a concert or 
something. Why is it less legit for him to get a grant than anybody else 
doing a production?

Second, when I said it was about "his family" that didn't mean his nuclear 
family. It's several generations back, and meant I think to be about 
Mexican-American experience - and music - in a broader way. I think 
Escovedo's a little over-earnest to carry it off, myself, but there's 
nothing wrong with the concept. Cut the guy some slack, Mr. Bernard.

I'm more pissed off that the NEA withdrew their grant to Sub-Commandante 
Marcos's children's book under congressional pressure than that they 
validated a Hispanic twang musician's ambitions to stretch out a bit.

carl w.

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