<<  Had I been consulted, I'd have recommended he downplay the gay
 thing - which he emphasises to excess, all the time, and interminably - and
 just deliver the music.  In addition, I don't hear any "tunes"  (and
 obviously radio doesn't), and some more "accessible" material on this
 record might have helped. >>

This really kinda bugs me, to be honest. I understand where you are coming
from, Richard, with your mindset being to help an artist achieve the maximum
level of success that he/she can. But what price success? The suggestion that
Rufus should keep his homosexuality to himself in order to sell more records
is just the kind of crap that gives the record industry a bad name. Rufus is
gay. Simple as that. That's the type of artist he chooses to present himself
as. I think he's a fucking hero for coming out guns a'blazing. Would you
suggest that James Brown be less Black, or Oasis less British? Silly.

Neal Weiss
np -- Kelly Willis

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