>Had I been consulted, I'd have recommended he downplay the gay
>thing - which he emphasises to excess, all the time, and interminably - and
>just deliver the music.

?!?  Are you serious?  I mean, you must be joking right?  I can't even
imagine calling up an artist, who put out an album as great as Rufus' and
actually tell him to "downplay the gay thing"? And if I did have the nerve
(and the brash stupidity) I wouldn't be surprised at all if he told me to
fuck off.  In fact, if he *didn't* tell me to fuck off I'd be worried about
the guy.

I could go on and explain why I think this is incredibly lame, but instead
I'll just let a recent bumper sticker I saw say it all nice and concise:

=I don't mind straight people,
=as long as the act gay.


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