I'd say that Rufus Wainwright's debut has only sold 35,000 copies so far
because it doesn't sound like anything else on the market right now. We
filed the cd in rock at Vintage Vinyl but I'd be hard pressed to name an
album that rocks less. Folk/Country/Americana is clearly the wrong place,
though, if he were filed with the McGarrigles a few people would stumble
across him. I thought about putting him in Pop Vocals but I don't think
people looking for Rufus are going to look for him along side Frank Sinatra
and Tony Bennet. KDHX has Rufus filed as rock, as well, a decision made
before I started, by the way.

How'd Dreamworks manage to spend a million bucks on making Rufus' album?
What was Van Dyke Park's fee?

Tony Renner
music director
KDHX St. Louis Community Radio
3504 Magnolia Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63118
314 664-3955
314 664-1020 fax

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