Carl says:

>I agree, Jon, but in the minds of someone like Tweedy and the rock
>critics who interview him too much - generally reared in varying
>countercultures with self-styled anticommercial posturings - the
>"accusation" of commercial motivation is going to be read as a
>sell-out slam, and nuances are likely to be ignored.

Which I guess is true enough, and in Tweedy the musician's case, ignoring
the nuances might be understandable, but in the case of the interviewer,
well, all I'll say is this is one of the reasons one should be wary of rock
critics (someone please be sure to forward this to off-list Neal <g>).  Not
that critics in other fields are necessarily better, I hasten to add.

Anyhow, in another post, Carl says:

>Me, I think the pop turn is as much the result of a sudden but sincere,
>methinks, rediscovery that shiny happy music is not inherently evil...

Better late than never.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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