Bob re: V-Roys in Toronto:
>it has to meet the needs of a crowd that gets very little of that kind 
of music. Maybe they batted .500 because they had to bend a little to 
satisfy that crowd. And maybe the crowd wanted their roots loud, 
straight-up, and danceable because few bands like that come up that 

>maybe that crowd went home and the next day listened to Pet Sounds and 
Thriller and Minnie the Moocher and The Planets and Viva Terlingua. 
Maybe they just don't have the screaming need we do to talk about our 
     No, Bob, actually we get a fair (tho not huge) portion of twang here, 
     tho not as much as most equiv. US cities and much less that's as 
     hard-rock-twang as the V-Roys are. The main thing was that this 
     audience seemed noticeably different than the one that shows up to see 
     other alt-countryish stuff here. Your second point however is 
     well-taken - in other words, how the hell did I know? You do get a 
     sense in a room, but it coulda been a for-the-occasion thing. A lot of 
     the crowd definitely knew the band's material. It was just that they 
     felt like an unfamiliar crowd, with a stamp of its own, compared to 
     many shows in Toronto and at the Horseshoe, and seemed to have more 
     conservative tastes than one encounters on a typical day on P2.
     Half-guilty, half-proud, copping a plea as a Screaming Eclecticist...
     Carl W.

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