At 5:19 PM -0500  on 3/24/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>so now that i've been beaten up for my views on bootlegging, am i to assume
>that all those that have had a dissenting view point in one form or another
>have never purchased, or even traded for, such an item? just curious...

In one of those wonderful coincidences, exactly a year ago tomorrow,
one of the anti-bootleggers in the thread sent me mail offlist noting
that he had acquired a fair number of bootlegs in the course of things,
but doesn't mention it because the times he has, he was swamped with
requests for copies, and there are sometimes other reasons for being
cagey. Beyond the paraphrase, I won't reproduce private mail, of
course, or disclose the identity. But yes, at least one person seems to
be playing both sides of the fence.


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