Bob Soron wrote:
> At 5:19 PM -0500  on 3/24/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >so now that i've been beaten up for my views on bootlegging, am i to assume
> >that all those that have had a dissenting view point in one form or another
> >have never purchased, or even traded for, such an item? just curious...

Let me try to explain my vehemence regarding this subject...

I produced an album with Stevie Ray Vaughn and Lou Ann Barton- two,
actually, in 1979. Stevie and I parted ways when he went to Epic and I
handed over every single one of my tapes to his manager. I didn't keep
dubs or copies or nuthin' because I loved Stevie and I didn't want the
bad karma of the temptation of a bootleg hanging over me. 

Now some dick-weed has bootlegged MY stevie sessions and pressed them
and is selling them, apparently using a copy of MY mastering that I had
given to Stevie and the band to approve. 

I cannot tell you how angry this makes me. I have no tolerance for this.
Not only is Stevie's estate being robbed here, but I and the band are
being screwed as well.  

Trading of concert tapes is a different thing, although as an artist I
feel that I should have control over whether sub-par performances get
out. Kimmie and I never sign releases prior to a show, only after we
view the results, and if anybody were to ask about taping I just say
"send me a copy of it and we'll talk about it" because in truth, an
artist deserves and in fact owns the right to all performances. Because
music or spoken word are ephemeral rather than concrete, there is an
underlying feeling that they are less "owned" by the artist. This leads
to all sorts of abuse, ranging from terrible shows passed around to laws
passed by Congress taking away royalties for commercial use of
copyrighted music. I view it as a matter of degree and intent- if you
love somebody enough to want to tape them and trade tapes with other
fans, great, but give the artist the courtesy of saying yes or no. If
you are selling the artist's image or work without consent or royalty
agreements, then you are stealing property.


Joe E. Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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