
> They are holding on to the hope that they can lure back the
> teenyboppers but I don't see it happening, besides, the kids that call me
> want Hag, Jones, Owens and more of the new traditonal.  And I'm talking 15
> year olds!

Hmmm.  Now that's some good news from the radio front, and a hell of a lot
better than the swing craze, imho <g>.

BTW, Dale had very young (i.e, early-20s hipster kids) adoring fans here
last night. They were all over the stage to talk with the band after
the set, etc.  Along with 60-somethings who brought CD covers to be
autogrphed a la Fan Fair, and so on.  Quite an impressive spread in his
audience. So maybe the decline in the HNC demographic is indeed, as Jon W
suggested, the best thing that can be happening right now.


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