Sez Chris of the Chicago show:
>Just Steve - everyone paying rapt attention
>Steve plus Bluegrass - everyone paying rapt attention
>Just Bluegrass - feels like intermission
>Kinda felt sorry for they guy(s).

I saw the instore today, and besides enjoying it thoroughly, I came away
with new respect for Del's ego.   The crowd was totally into the McCourys -
no problem there - but he spends a great deal of time hanging around in the
back while Steve handles guitar chores and sings songs that could use IMO a
little high harmony.  Yeah, yeah, I know this is bringing Del's music and
*bluegrass as a whole* to new audiences, blah, blah, blah, but the man's a
front man, and I respect his equanimity in hanging back and letting the
others have the show for a whole tour.  Many others would be champing at the

For the record: I ain't knocking Mr. Earle.  I'm way big on that boy.  Just
musing, is all.

P.S. Favorite Steve Earle quote: On having trouble keeping his guitar tuned,
"This guitar is so new, it still thinks it's a tree."

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