At 8:49 PM -0600  on 3/26/99, Kelly Kessler wrote:

>I saw the instore today, and besides enjoying it thoroughly, I came away
>with new respect for Del's ego.   The crowd was totally into the McCourys -
>no problem there - but he spends a great deal of time hanging around in the
>back while Steve handles guitar chores and sings songs that could use IMO a
>little high harmony.  Yeah, yeah, I know this is bringing Del's music and
>*bluegrass as a whole* to new audiences, blah, blah, blah, but the man's a
>front man, and I respect his equanimity in hanging back and letting the
>others have the show for a whole tour.  Many others would be champing at the

I assumed it was because bluegrass is typically arranged for five. I
have to admit, last night my favorite part of the show (aside from, as
Mr. Knaus has already observed, my correcting Steve on the original was the way Del kept edging farther into the wings with
every song. He finally made his getaway.


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