In a thoughtful post, Barry ties the mergers and "downsizing" in with
layoffs that have effected a number of P2ers, etc:

> A lot of us just don't keep having the chance to do what we love for a
> living these days.  It was always a kind of blessing to get do it it...and
> a lot less good people are looking blessed. ...Eventually, somebody starts
> to look at the politics of this.  Maybe.

Amen.  Maybe some consciousness will be raised when Republicans start
talking about flat tax rates that would dramatically increase the wealth 
of the richest 5% while doing diddly for most people (a la Reagan years)
and so forth.

At this point I've concluded that the real reason they hate Clinton so
much is that with him around inequalities in the distribution of wealth
threaten to lessen just a teeny bit.  Ah well.  What a terrible thing that
would be <g>.

Sorry to get so far off twang-topic.  Must be that Friday night vodka....


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