>Amen.  Maybe some consciousness will be raised when Republicans start
>talking about flat tax rates that would dramatically increase the wealth
>of the richest 5% while doing diddly for most people (a la Reagan years)
>and so forth.
My insider on the Hill (stepbrother in the house) says a VAT/national sales
tax has a lot better chance of replacing the IRS than a flat tax...

>At this point I've concluded that the real reason they hate Clinton so
>much is that with him around inequalities in the distribution of wealth
>threaten to lessen just a teeny bit.

I just hate liars and cheats and I don't give a damn about their politics.
I say we draft Wall to run in 2000,  with a theme song of "Another F*cking
Brick in the ...
My guess is you'd have a hard time finding any politician in DC without some
skeletons in the closet, some literally, some almost.
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