Chris Orlet writes:

>>It gives us an advantage in terms of our margins," said a
>> source within the company. 
>Just makes me feel all warm/fuzzy inside to know they are looking out 
>for their margins. The artists, employees, screw em.

     I liked this one (from the Universal press release):

"While change is always difficult, the restructuring of the labels is
necessary for us to be more competitive, develop artists' careers and
pave the way for meaningful growth in the future,"

     As opposed to the meaningless growth that they had in the past?
     "...develop artists' careers...."  Well, except for the ones that
they dropped.
     I love corporate-speak press releases.  There's a section of the
"Dilbert" webpage that allows you to create your own.  It's pretty
hilarious.  Check it out sometime.
                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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