Junior asked:

> Bill:
> > n.p. Roger Miller box, disc1
> Oooh!  Now we're talking...  How is that set?  Are there relatively
> straight tonkers, etc. on there, before the full-blown sixties style
> sets in?  I've seen that thing in stores but have never taken the
> time to check it out.

Matt Benz:

> A few honkers, like the much discussed Lock Stock & Teardrops, but not
> much. Has some of his classics (such as Invitation to The Blues) as cut
> by Miller in...um..early 70's? I think. But sticks to mainly to the 60's
> Smash years.
On Disc one, Matt's right, along with some poignant ballads that never
fail to affect me. (I bought the set after hearing Mike Ireland cover "A
World So Full Of Love"-always tears me up) Disc One ends with the hits
that follow- "Chug-a-Lug", "Dang Me", "Do Wacka Do", etc. Disc two's the
big 64-67 super mega hit period, but with some other lesser-known gems
as well. Disc three is the late sixties/early 70's stuff, still
top-drawer though not hits for him, finally concluding with a couple of
tunes from the musical "Big River" that gave him some late-career
success. I love his writing but find myself appreciating the stuff that
wasn't hits even more than some of the more "fun" hit records.


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