Amy says:

> A talented artist can sing a
> note-for-note rendition of a song they didn't write and still
> make it their
> own, by virtue of having a) a distinctive voice and b) emotional honesty,
> and specifically the ability to give the listener a sense that the song
> resonates emotionally for the singer as it did for the writer or original
> performer.

Exactly, and what's spooky, at least to me, is that while sometimes the
emotional resonance is responsible for the "note-for-note" rendition,
sometimes it's the other way around - that is, by concentrating fiercely on
doing just what the original did, you achieve the emotional identification;
by playing it, you become, for a moment, the original performer.  I read a
comment very much along these lines not too long ago from some performer or
other, and now I can't find it; when I do, I'm going to post it, just to
show that even if I'm crazy in looking at it this way, I'm not the only nut.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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