>Well, confused girl, I said nothing about the sound of Orton's voice nor
>lyrics in comparing her to Gillian Welch's Parson's cover. I said that Welch
>sounding Orton like with electronica ambience, or some sort of mumbo jumbo,
>meaning, that there is a bit of a atmospheric synth stuff that colors what is
>otherwise typically wonderful acoustic folkage. Thus, it make me think of the
>folk electronica hybrid that Orton's doing, a chemistry which I happen to
>like mucho.
Oh, okay. Actually, I knew that all along <g>, I just couldn't resist the
opportunity to bash Beth Orton, having seen yet another glowing review of
her just the day before.

And FWIW, I like the folk/electronica combo too, at least in theory. So the
Welch track sounds promising indeed.


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