<< my guess is that this may have been discussed already, but since i 
 only recently rejoined the fray, i'm curious whaty the consensus 
 is/was about Dwight Yoakum doing a Gap Ad? >>

I couldn't care less about Yoakam doing the ad -- if this is an ethical issue 
we're considering -- because at this point, artists doing endorsements is so 
common day that it's pointless to cry foul unless it's someone who has truly 
spoken out about it otherwise. In other words, I give up riding that high 
horse about art and commerce. Plus, FWIW, it's not like Dwight's compromising 
one of his own songs. That's actually what I find to be the real puzzle here. 
He's convering a *Queen* song, fercrinity. How the hell does that happen? 

No word if Dwight's gonna go the jump suit/chest hair route. 

Neal Weiss
np - Marc Olsen

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