>>The Beasties have made a couple of great records.  But they have more in
>>common with Pearl Jam than with any rap artist.  You can make rap music and
>>still have no idea what hip-hop is.  The Tibetan concerts are alterna fests
>>because that's the Beasties audience.  They have zero influence on the
>>hip-hop community.
>I diasagree.  They are alternafests because of the *other*
>bands in the lineup and probably because that's what the
>majority of fest-going-kids look like.

The lineups for those silly concerts are filled with white altern-acts
because those people are the Beasties social peers.  If the band hung out
with The Roots or Mystikal, don't you think that's who'd be playing the

Do you know any black people who listen to the Beasties?  Do other rap acts
give them shout-outs on record?  They are making white music for white
people.  Nothing wrong with that, but it ain't hip-hop.

>Actually, I was suggesting that The Beasties are influential
>artists, not rappers perse.  I think in terms of their videos,
>clothing line, and music they've permeated the culture to a
>degree which has not yet been acknowledged or realized.
>FYI, some of their hip-hop is more authentic than "authentic"
Do you know the difference between rap and hip-hop?

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