Jon Weisberger writes:

> BTW, Erin, that "compete for the jobs" clause is the fly in the ointment of
> your more-is-better argument.  Half-assed musicians who figure that they can
> overcome the deficiency of being half as good by charging a quarter as much
> (an approach that promoters are all too often willing to sign on to) aren't
> any help to working musicians.

Ah, but they CAN overcome - not just by price cutting, but by showing up
on time, being nice to everybody they have to, and being generally
professional when performing. There are such bands like that in bluegrass
at least - I've seen them, and heard them, and I bet you have too, Jon.
You also hear hotshot musicians who seldom exhibit any of these qualities.

Which brings you right back to the 'sincerity' issue. Could one measure
sincerity by how seriously a musician or band takes the task of
entertaining an audience? (I didn't read the Rubin dispatch 'cos I'm on
shell, so apologies if this is slightly clueless.)

 Geff King * email [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
 "It is a tool of ignorance." -- Joe Gracey, re: bass guitar  

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