>Which pretty much echoes something that Bill Emerson, banjoist
>extraordinaire, told Bluegrass Unlimited a few years ago (I'm hunting for
>that Crowe rant):
>"The problem with bluegrass is that there's too much unprofessional
>bluegrass.  It's a type of music that anybody can play anywhere.  You don't
>have to have an amplifier or an AC power outlet....That's not to say that
>anyone who's doing it is ready to make records and compete for the jobs at
>the bluegrass festivals.  Anyone with a few thousand dollars can produce a
>recording and send it to radio stations.  Program directors, recording
>executives and promoters should be careful about who they're putting out
>there to represent the bluegrass idiom.  To help it grow we have to
>concentrate on the *best* music we have."

Yeah, damn shame how advances in recording technology have made it possible
for people to make records without the financing -- or blessing -- of some
media conglomerate more concerned with cash than quality or a group of
gatekeepers who get to decide what's "professional" or not.  This quote is
so ludicrous it would be laughable, if it weren't for the fact that the
opinions expressed are apparently shared by others.

I guess I should just delete this crap before I let it get to me...

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