I would have said "rule"--but nobody rules around here; this much we know!

A new and shocking piece of information is that here in big bad Hew York
City--OK metropolitan New York, but it works out that way: we now have one
of the largest P2 contingents around.  HERE!  (Our problem is that such a
large percentage are in busy bands that the rest of us rarely get to see
them outside of their own gigs.)

Last night, newer members Nina Melechen and Micah Raferty and Jason Lewis
joined Mrs. and Mr. Hockeystick and me at that Kelly Willis/Bruce Robson
show which was swell, but today I just want to talk about this gang.

Nina and Micah are very knowledgeable hard core alt.country/country fans
(and were much fun to hang with) so I trust we'll be hearing from them
plenty on-list and otherwise  . Jason  is from the NYC alt.country band
Star City; he slipped me this band's demo disc and they sound suprisingly
southmidwestern, in the SV/Bottle Rocket/Blue Mt./Jim Roll  vein.  I think
a lot of you'd go for them.

New York area P2ers now include the following, in more or less order of P2
seniority, cause why not:

Amy Haugesag   Barry Mazor  Ross Whitwam   Jeff Jackolew  Buddy Woodward &
Mike Hargreaces (Rockets)
John Friedman (back now)       Susan Kowal   Elena Skye (Demolition expert)
Long Island Mark M
           Jason Lewis (Star)   Dan Rigney (Moths)      Jed Boyar   Nina
Mechelen  Micah Raferty
                              ... and emeritus by frequent association:
Melina Brown   Jim Catalano

People are known to show up here form Philadelphia, Connecticut, and even
Boston too. They know who they are!

I'm putting this out there so that if there are lurkers about wondering if
there is an active contingent here (or if anyboidy likes twang in NYC...or
if I've stupidly left somebody out) they'll speak up for future reference.

Barry M.

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