Same guys. The lineup is very fluid, but our steel/guitar player (Star City) does a 
lot of gigs with them. They do have a standing thing at Parkside on Sundays. I think 
they goe on around 9 and Parkside is on houston near Ave B.

BTW: I too live in Wiliamsbrug. Anyone else? We should have beers sometime or 

<<I live in Williamsburg and have notice signs up for the Hand Williams LonesomeHearts 
Club Band (something like that anyway) which is going to playing at the Parkside 
Lounge regularly on Sunday.  Now the question is, does anyone
know if this group is the same guys - the trio with with standup bass - who play on 
the L platform at Bedford on the weekends?  Those guys rock - well, not ROCK - but you 
know what I mean.  If anyone knows this I'd really be
interested in knowing.>>

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