Bob Soron wrote:

> I'd rather have a 5-minute guitar solo than a 20-second drum solo.

Oooh, I dunno about that. A short, tasteful drum solo (no, that is 
not an oxymoron!) in the hands of the right guy is thing of beauty. I 
guess I'm thinking mostly about jazz and big band drummers, 
rather than rock guys. I had the pleasure of watching Ed 
Shaughnessy (sp?) from the Tonight Show band play at my 
college, and my god, he was amazing. Ditto with Buddy Rich 
solos. Or Louie Belson.

Now, that ham-fisted shit that John Bonham did in Song Remains 
the Same...yeah, that's awful. Set the reputation of drummers back 
20 years.

And I will confess to digging Neil Peart's solos simply from a 
technical standpoint -- the guy is friggin' amazing. Plus, it's fun to 
watch 10,000 16-year-old boys drool at the same time.

Some of my best friends are hippies (and not the kids-of-Boomers-
driving-BMWs type either)...


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