Kip wrote:

>       Heh heh...Marie comments on the alarmingly growing ranks of
>faux bluegrass and hippy acoustic bands.
>       It's becoming all da rage here in St. Louis, too: 
>tie-dyed youth playing fiddles, mandolins, banjos and Martin
>guitars. Whatever, but the music is just as deadly dull played 
>acoustic as
>it was with Stratocasters.

It **is** dull, but give the little hackeysackers credit for at least
being openminded enough to accept a little twang without recoiling in
revulsion. Naked Omaha opened up for a hippydippyjammywhammyphishywishy
band from W Va called The Recipe a while back. I figured it'd be a horror
show, but their fans actually seemed to appreciate the twang in our
music. It was a pleasant surprise. 

Steve Kirsch

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