Dave Purcell clipped:

> >From SonicNet Music News of the World:
> "Young bands that want and go after that big record deal -- they're
> advance junkies, living in rock 'n' roll fantasy camp. ... If your
> realistic market is anywhere from 0 to 100,000 copies sold -- even
> 200,000 -- you're better off releasing the work yourself. Say you're
> generating $10 a CD and you sell 10,000. If you sold that on a
> major label, they'd kick you off. But you do that on your own and
> you've got a hundred thousand bucks. ... Hello everybody, good
> morning, coffee's ready -- record companies have given up the
> ghost." -- Scott Kempner, guitarist for the Dictators, the Del-
> Lords and the Little Kings.

Great quote Dave. This reminds me, has any of that Little Kings stuff
ever been made available for public consumption? I just read about the
Dictators reunion record and that jogged my memory. TEMEMENT ANGELS
would have been a great inclusion in that criminally underappreciated
thread last week (and on a marginally related aside so would Eric
Ambel's ROSCOE'S GANG, and if anybody can spare a copy...) and I've been
wondering if there was any recorded Kempner output since then. Anybody



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