At 10:45 AM 4/27/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> Great quote Dave. This reminds me, has any of that Little Kings stuff
>> ever been made available for public consumption? 
>I wanna know too - the only thing I do know is that on the Dion solo
>compilation that came out a few years ago The Little Kings play on the two
>(maybe three) new songs on it - but it's Dion all the way (aint nothin'
>wrong with that!).
>Also, I ahven;t gotten the new Neil Young tribute that came out, but on
>the Miles of Music description it says the Del-Lords play on it, but I
>think it's not - it's only Eric Ambel (again, nothing too wrong with
>that). Is Kempner on it too?
Cribbed right from the Innerstate records notes. I plead guilty of
littering, I guess.


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