On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 08:11:20PM +0000, Hamid Maadani wrote:

> I have uploaded the latest code, which simplifies filters, projections
> and accommodates multiple results. In this version:
> - Users can search by specifying search keys, OR writing more advanced 
> filters. If search_keys
> are specified, value of 'filter' will be ignored if specified.

Perhaps best to fail if both are specified.  The conflict may be missed
by some users.

> - Users can specify a return_key for a simplified projection. It would
> default to "result" if not specified.

Good.  Don't know whether "result" is a probable common attribute,
if not, perhaps simply require that exactly one of "return_key" and
"projection" is set.  Note that "return_key" could be a list of
attributes in which case all are used, comma-separated if they occur
in the same result object, and of course also if present in multiple

> - Users can set more complex projections. If a projection is set,
> value of return_key will become irrelevant (the code handles that
> automatically).

Perhaps again fail on conflicting configuration information?

> - If there are multiple results, a comma-separated list of strings will be 
> returned.


> > You should also support the "domain" attribute to limit the keys sent to
> the database to just email addresses with a domain part matching one of
> the elements of that list.

See db_common_parse_domain(), and its call sites in the LDAP, MySQL and
PostgreSQL drivers.


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