James Robertson wrote:
We have a client who has done a mailout which adds up to over 1GB in size.

1160910 Kbytes in 988 Requests

Is there a way I can slow down or throttle the speed at which email is being sent from a specific email address once the mail is already active?

It is affecting there ADSL connection and users working remotely are having issues connecting in.

we did advise them to do mailouts after hours but but they decided to do it anyway...... ho hum


Postfix doesn't have any per-user rate controls (some add-on policy services can do per-user input rate limits), and output rate controls are limited to what's available with
which is a per-destination limit, not an overall limit.

You could put all those messages on hold and release them after hours. man postsuper; man cron

Maybe router or firewall based traffic shaping would help - at least you could prevent SMTP from hogging all the bandwidth.

Noel Jones

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