On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 12:15:19AM -0400, Sahil Tandon wrote:

> Victor Duchovni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > % mailq | grep sender | cut -c 1-9 | postsuper -h -
> > 
> > Postfix queue-ids don't have a fixed width, this is wrong. The length
> > of a queue-id depends on the numerical range of mail queue inode 
> > numbers.
> Woops, sorry for the noise; maybe the following variant, if the OP wants 
> to HOLD messages in the active queue:
> % mailq | grep sender | cut -d \* -f 1 | postsuper -h -

Not all the messages will be in the active queue, so "*" is not
the right delimeter. I am afraid cut(1) is the wrong tool for
the job.


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