On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 03:20:32AM +0300, Alex Bernea wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have set up Postfix 2.5.4 with TLS, Cyrus SASL and LDAP lookups for users.
> I tested it with openssl s_client command on ports 25, 465 and 587 and
> everything works (authentication and test emails). I use self signed CA
> certificates.
> I also tested sending mail on gmail, yahoo and other providers and it works,
> but when I reply back, nothing happens: no error in the logs, no
> mailer-daemon back to gmail or yahoo saying something is wrong.
> My IP is dynamic and I have set up a dynamic DNS for my test domain,
> test.lexarrow.com, with A and MX records for mail.test.lexarrow.com. I
> checked DNS settings with dig MX and dig A commands (they turn out ok) and
> with dnsstuff.com (everything turns out ok except the "Mail" section.

You might want to permit port 25 through your firewall.

    $ dig +noall +ans +add -t mx test.lexarrow.com
    test.lexarrow.com.      3570    IN      MX      10 mail.test.lexarrow.com.
    mail.test.lexarrow.com. 30      IN      A

    $ telnet 25


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