On 9-Mar-2009, at 06:31, Noel Jones wrote:
LuKreme wrote:
On 8-Mar-2009, at 19:39, Sahil Tandon wrote:
What happens if you set:

   virtual_alias_domains =

in main.cf?
Then all mail to local (non virtual) users bounces with a Relay access denied error.

Sounds as if you have (unintentionally)? defined all your local domains as virtual_alias_domains.

virtual_alias_maps =

this has been working for a year until 2.5.6

Just to be clear, the only thing that is not working is .. oh wait

Never mind. Everything is working 100%, I simply forgot how I configured everything.

The domain 'southgaylord.com' *IS* a virtual domain. I have two legacy email addresses in that domain that were setup to deliver, via an alias in the virtual domain, to local user accounts. All fixed now.

Nihil est--in vita priore ego imperator Romanus fui.

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