I have a file /etc/postfix/virtual.pcre that contains lines like this:

/^(.*)_(.*)@example.com$/    ${1}+$...@example.com
/^(.*)_(.*)@example.org$/    ${1}+$...@example.org
/^(.*)_(.*)@example.net$/    ${1}+$...@example.net

etc etc. This is to allow the _ to act as an additional address extension character to get around the legion of retarded website admins that reject '+' addresses as invalid.

I would like to have a single line

/^(.*)_(.*)@(.*)$/  ${1}+$...@${3}

since that would mean I would not have to update this file each time I add a virtual domain; but that won't work as it will rewrite the addresses on OUTBOUND email as well as inbound email, so if someone sends an email to first_l...@outboundexample.com it gets rewritten to first+l...@outboundexample.com and bounces.

So, other than manually listing every virtual domain, is there something else I could do? Is there a way to use mysql:/usr/local/etc/ postfix/mysql_virtual_domains_maps.cf in some way so that the pcre expression will only match for those domains that are listed in the map?

Criticizing evolutionary theory because Darwin was limited is like
        claiming computers don't work because Chuck Babbage didn't
        foresee Duke Nukem 3.

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