Roger Marquis a écrit :
> Magnus wrote:
>>>  /^Received: from .*\.mx\ (.*\.mx\.aol\.com/ FILTER
>>>  smtp:[]:25
>> That still doesn't bypass the rest of the header checks.
> Works for us, has for years. 

does it have a green card? otherwise, "it" shouldn't work ;-p

> Even tested it using the exact same pattern
> and HOLD immediately after the FILTER.  The messages are delivered as per
> usual never hitting the hold rule.
> This is how we accept spam reports from external clients without having to
> setup yet another postfix instance.

whatever you may think, it doesn't work the way you think.

> Try it.

there's no need to try. it woks as documented, and the documentation is
clear: header_checks work on individual headers, one at a time, and the
result doesn't influence other header checks.

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