On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:17:28PM +0100, Sebastian Chociwski wrote:

> I knew it must be something I am missing but the mails are still delivered.
> MYSQL cut :
> mailactiv      int(1)                 0       
> mail  varchar(1)                      n
> email2email.cf :
> query = SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='%s' AND mailactiv= 1
> (checked as well : query = SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='%s' AND
> mailactiv=1)

Is there any reason to expect that not matching the query should prevent
delivery? The query is an identity mapping for valid users, what purpose
does it serve? Looks neither valid nor invalid users are rewritten, so
the query seems to have no point. You are looking at the problem at
the wrong level. Ask a Postfix question, not an SQL question.

What Postfix feature are you using to distinguish between valid and
invalid users?


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