[] On Behalf Of Marky Yehezkiel
        Sent: Tuesday, 31 March 2009 12:53 PM
        Subject: Logging Postfix Activity

        Dear All,

        Is there any way to logging/record the activity pop3,IMAP when
they deleted email via IMAP and POP3 ( outlook deleted email when
outlook download it from server)


        I have problem when my customer he lost his email on my server
he said he didn't deleted his email, he set his outlook 'leave copy on
server' without set when it will be removed from server, but old his
email were gone.


        Anyone can help? Thank you 


Postfix does not do POP or IMAP. You need to look at the configuration
and logs for whatever is running those services, eg.
Dovecot/Cyrus/Courier/whatever you're using.



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